The partners of Train2Validate project had developed the curricula that facilitators and validators should study. It is the third result, or intellectual output, of this Erasmus+ project that has the aim of building certificate studies for Easy-to-Read validators and facilitators.
SSML Pisa, from Italy, had lead this result, and we talked with Carlo Eugeni, T2V project IO3 leader, who highlights three main novelties in this curriculum compared to others.
The first novelty is that they are the first curricula for training Easy-to-Read validators and facilitators in a structured manner. This aspect is not trivial because according to the conclusions of the final report related to the current training of facilitators and validators, based on the results of the analysis of the almost 350 responses gathered from easy-to-read validators and facilitators from different European countries, two-thirds of the total respondents have some training in E2R, although there are no official courses.
Eugeni emphasizes in the conversation the two other innovations is the use of the pedagogical and methodological curriculum or PMC as a theoretical framework to design these curricula, and the use of FAME criteria to design them, which guarantees that the training is feasible, adaptable, modular and effective complying to the EU requirements for training.
The leader of the third Intellectual Output of Train2Validate project also refers to the adequacy of the skills cards in curriculum, and explains how it has organized the contents of the skills cards into teaching units. In such a way “the curriculum explains how skills are to be learned, which training materials are to be used to learn them, and what are the assessment tools to be used to make sure that these skills cards are acquired.
The partners of Train2Validate project hadn’t forgotten to attribute a number of credits to the curricula, based on the time that trainees are expected to spend on the different skills to acquire. “The whole course is 30 credits which correspond to an academic semester according to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System or ETCS”, underlines Eugeni.