Oscar García - Key Ideas about Skills Cards

On the way to create a professional training certification for Easy-to-Read validators and facilitators, partners of the consortium have developed the skills cards that both professional roles must have.

Óscar García, general project manager of Train2Validate Erasmus+ project explains the key ideas of this second achievement that has inspired the creation of the curricula.

As you can see in the video below, Óscar defines what a skill card is as a document that describes what a learner has to know, understand and be able to do to become a professional.

That point is especially relevant to the aims of the project because Easy-to-read is a new field without professionalization. What bring these skills cards is that we have created these documents in order to professionalize both roles.

These skills cards are innovative in two senses: First, because the skill card for validator has been focus for people with reading difficulties. That means it was created specifically for them.

The second innovative aspect is that both skills cards are complementary because facilitators and validators have to work together.

About the structure, there are divided in four units that fit perfectly the needs tht both roles need for their professionalization in order to achieve a more inclusive society.

You can check the skills cards in this link