Train2Validate project included as a good practice in the ErasmusPlus projects database
Train2Validate project has been included as good practice in the ErasmusPlus projects database. T2V had been received recently an an excellent rating in the evaluation from the European Office of the Spanish Service for the [...]
Train2Validate publish the first professional training for Easy to Read validators and facilitators
Partners of Train2Validate have announced the publication of the first professional training for Easy to Read validators and facilitators, resulting from Erasmus+ Project Train2Validate. The consortium that has developed the project for the last [...]
Train2Validate shares the full materials and platform of the training courses for validators and facilitators in Slovenia
Around 60 people attended the event, mainly Easy-to-Read validators and facilitators, and several stakeholders interested in this field. In the event, Train2Validate partners showed the evolution of the project from the starting point in [...]
Train2Validate jumps the ocean to disseminate online in Latin America
Train2Validate, the Erasmus+ project that aims to create certified training courses for Easy-to-Read validators and facilitators, has disseminated its activities in Latin America by organizing a webinar for stakeholders. Around 20 people attended the [...]
Train2Validate present its final results in the last event of the project in Slovenia. Registration Open
Partners will show the Platform with the final courses in English for E2R validators and facilitators, next June, 22, in Slovenia
Save the Date! Join us on June 22, at Slovenia
Train2Validate's next multiplier event is scheduled! Join us on June 22 in Slovenia to know in advance the definite learning materials for The Certified training for Easy-to-Read Validators and Facilitators that have been developed [...]
Train2Validate awarded as best practice in International Cognitive Accessibility Congress
Train2Validate, the project to build a certified training for Easy-to-Read validators and facilitators has been awarded as best practice in the International Congress on Cognitive Accessibility celebrated in Badajoz (Spain) the 16th and 17th [...]
Train2Validate disseminates the training courses for validators and facilitators in AXSChat
Train2Validate Erasmus+ project participated last March 7th in AXS Chat, an open online community of individuals dedicated to creating an inclusive world. The General Project Manager of the project, Óscar García, and the partner [...]
Easy-to-Read validators and facilitators assess the Train2Validate training materials and the learning platform
Fifty people who are Easy-to-Red (E2R) validators and facilitators are making this month assessment of the Train2Validate (T2V) training materials and the learning platform. These E2R experts belong to different NGOs that support people [...]
Important coincidences in the overlapping between Easy-to-Read and Web Accessibility Guidelines
Rocío Bernabé, a researcher at SDI Munich, and Stefanie Koehler, Netzwerk Leichte Sprache reveal coincidences in 35 of 66 criteria
“Easy-to-read has changed my life”
This is the transcription of Nevenka Kos intervention during the multiplier Event celebrated in Munich. You can read her words, or listen in the video below. (Slovenian and English): We, facilitators, [...]
People with intellectual disabilities claim the Easy-to-Read Guidelines to get an Internet for all and as a way to include them as workers in the society
Half a hundred people took part last Thursday, November 3rd, in the fourth multiplier event organized by the partners of the Erasmus+ European Project Train2Validate, which has the aim of building certificate studies for [...]