The skills cards for easy-to-read validators and facilitators provide the full knowledge and abilities that validators and facilitators on easy-to-read have to develop in their job.
Both professional roles play a relevant role in the production process of easy-to-read.
Validators check the comprehensibility of easy-to-read texts and facilitators support the work of validators.
Without their work, current easy-to-read standards (as the one that exists in Spain and the ones are under development in Germany and at an international stage through International Organization for Standardization –ISO-) don’t consider that a document can be published under the “easy-to-read” concept.
Skills cards have been developed under the European Certification and Qualification Association (ECQA) standards, which is also a member of the partnership.
This standard will help the transferability of these skills cards in any European country.
The final result has been two skills cards, one for validators and one for facilitators.
Both have 4 units, which are the main training structure.
Each unit is divided in elements, that can be consider similar to “lessons” and from each element, the trainee obtains some learning outcomes.
Each of them are the final competences.
The main units are related to accessibility, easy-to-read methodology, the facilitation and the validation, and management skills. In the case of validators, the skills card includes an optional unit for specialisation.
Apart from the different format and languages of the skills cards, Train2Validate has published the report with the detailed information about the creation process developed. You can download it clicking on the buttom below.
The final report of Multiplier Event 2 celebrated in Madrid is available here