german student reading the training content on the screen

Partners of Train2Validate have announced the publication of the first professional training for Easy to Read validators and facilitators, resulting from Erasmus+ Project Train2Validate. The consortium that has developed the project for the last three years is made up of three European Universities (SDI Munich, Germany; SSML Pisa, Italy; and UPT Timisoara, Romania); two Non-Profit Organizations (Plena Inclusión Madrid, Spain; Zavod Risa, Slovenia) and one Certifying Company (ECQA,Austria).

The training is divided according to the two professional profiles it is aimed at: Easy to Read validators and facilitators. In the first case, the training is provided in English and in all the languages ​​of the organizations participating in the project (German, Italian, Slovenian, Spanish and Romanian). In the case of facilitators, it is currently only accessible in English.

Interested people can do the training for free from the platform enabled in Google Classroom. Each consortium partner can create certified courses for their country students along 2024, as Plena Inclusión Madrid has announced in Madrid, Spain. In fact, the project has been developed in all its phases to assure its European certification thanks to the supervision of ECQA, to make it possible that the training proposed could be replicable and certified in any country of the European Union.

Diversity of materials and guarantee of accessibility

People who wish to enroll in this training can access it through the Academy available on the website Project, where students will find the learning materials in all accessible formats, and the tests and exercises that allow the verification of the acquisition of the necessary skills.

Innovative result in Easy to Read field

Train2Validate training is only the final result of a complete Project characterized by the consecutive of important innovative goals in the Easy-to-Read field. Notable among these, ‘The Status of training programs for E2R validators and facilitators’, the first skills cards defined for both professional roles and the curriculum that facilitators and validators should study.​